Are you:

  • Having trouble switching off?
  • Feeling uptight and on edge?
  • Finding it hard to go to sleep?
  • Experiencing restless sleep?

Don’t panic! We’ve got the perfect answer to help you wind down – Spotify your life!

Stress comes in all shapes and sizes these days. But whether your problem is an uncertain future, fear of failure, relentless pressure or feeling torn between family and work, learning how to manage your stress is vitally important to avoid burnout.

You can start by trying to limit the stressors you’re exposed to and make choices to minimise the impact of others on your stress levels.

But, even with the best will in the world, even the hardiest of leaders are vulnerable to having ‘bad days.’ Sadly, there’s no such thing as a stress-free existence.

Use music to soothe the soul and lower your stress levels.

There are so many self-help options out there at the moment, but how do you know which really work? And which, if you’re honest, can you really see yourself committing to?

At EEK & SENSE, we generally favour ‘belly breathing’ as our ‘silver bullet’ for re-grounding when we’re feeling out of kilter. Taking those deep breaths for 2-3 minutes before, during and after key events and through peak periods is a proven antidote to the negative effects of stress.

But we’re excited to announce that we’ve found a new wellbeing strategy perfect for the times when ‘taking a breather’ isn’t enough to settle or calm you. It’s called…

Drum roll…Weightless

Created by UK band Marconi Union with help from Mindlab International and The British Academy of Sound Therapy, we think it’s the best new, must-have, stress-reduction tool to hit the market in decades. And we’re not alone.

The scientifically constructed 8-minute musical arrangement has been designed to coax our brains into a state of deep relaxation. It’s based on a number of scientific principles:

  • Comforting harmonic intervals
  • A gradually slowing rhythm and bass that synchronises with your heartbeat within 5 minutes
  • No repeating melodies (so our brains eventually completely switch off because they are no longer working to make predictions or patterns – there are none)
  • Chimes and sounds associated with inducing euphoria and an almost chant-like state.

The UK media has described the piece as the “most relaxing song ever” – and for once that’s not hyperbole. In fact, experimental studies have shown that listening to “Weightless” resulted in a 65% reduction in overall anxiety driven by physiological factors.

As the music progresses, your heart rate lowers, which in turn leads to lower blood pressure. Study participants also had reduced cortisol levels (the stress hormone), after listening to the track.

Only try this at home.

Weightless is so effective at inducing drowsiness and sleep, researchers have even warned against listening to it while driving. And although the research was funded by Radox, we also recommend taking extra care if you decide to listen to it in the bath!

Download and listen to it tonight.

Be well.

The E&S team.

PS: You can read more about the science behind “Weightless” here and here. It’s available on Spotify or click the link above to watch it on YouTube.