Accreditation Frequently Asked Questions

I’d like to understand more about the validity and reliability of the instrument. Is it psychometrically sound? Is it approved/endorsed by any independent institutions?

Scientific rigour is one of our founding principles. The GLWS has a strong psychometric foundation, having been developed by two registered psychologists, one of whom is an associate fellow of the BPS and a chartered occupational psychologist, the other of whom is a registered organisational psychologist with the APS.  Both began their careers in psychometric assessment and best practice test design; one was supervised by Professor Peter Saville (author of the OPQ and many other world-renowned psychometric assessments).

The psychometric analysis of the GLWS has been independently verified by Ian Kendall, who is an internationally-recognised authority on psychometric assessment and reporting, senior author of the Australian Psychological Society’s Supplementary Guidelines for the Use of Psychological Tests and author of Kendall’s Australian Directory: A Comprehensive Directory of Occupational and Vocational Tests, Inventories and Organisational Survey Questionnaires.

We publish our reliability and validity data and we’re only too happy – and proud! – to share the detailed psychometric properties of the GLWS for anyone who is interested.

(An important sidenote is that validity analysis is handled differently when measuring a dynamic and subjective construct like wellbeing, as opposed to most other psychological traits which tend to be more stable. Details are outlined in the document).

While Universities don’t endorse commercial instruments (unless they are their own), we have strong relationships with several, as guest lecturers for Masters of Org Psychology and MBA students. We are also invited speakers on wellbeing measurement for APS coaching and organisational psychology interest groups.

Over the years, we have also presented our GLWS research as conference papers at the Australian Psychological Society, British Psychological Society, Association of Business Psychologists, the International Coaching Federation and the World Congress of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

What changes have been made to accreditation recently?

From 2024, our accreditation programs incorporate information on how to use and deploy both the GLWS Personal Reports and GLWS Team/Group Reports to various contexts, objectives and volumes.

Accreditation is no longer segmented into 2 components (historically known as “Level 1” and “Level 2”).

Our accredited community members who need further support in deploying or interpreting the Group Report can assess the self-directed online course available on their myGLWS page. Further support can be provided by the GLWS team when you intend to use the Group Report with a real ‘live’ client.

What is the cost of Accreditation?

Accreditation is available via Virtual, e-Learning, In-Person One-Day Masterclass or In-Person In-House One-Day Masterclass. Visit the Accreditation page for all course details and dates.

How much does the GLWS cost?

A range of options is now available to meet the varying needs of our clients, including;

  • Attractive starter packs for coaches or organisations who are new to GLWS
  • Discounted upfront GLWS bundles packs in a range of sizes (5, 10, 40, 100, 200, 400, 1000+) valid for 12 months
  • And even subscription options for those wanting to use the GLWS Framework only.

Our new pricing model will incentivise larger upfront purchases, with lower per-head costs (up to 80% off current prices) and added inclusions such as complimentary GLWS Group Reports, facilitator and respondent implementation and development resources.

Price lists are available for each country.  Please contact us for a copy of the price list suitable for your location.

How does the process work for my coaching clients?

Completing the GLWS is a simple and fast online process for a client.  When a Coach actions a GLWS for their client, their client (the respondent) receives an email with a secure link and invitation to complete the GLWS at their convenience.

As part of their Accreditation, Coaches also receive a Respondent Briefing document which they may like to share with their clients, explaining more information about the GLWS, its’ relevance and importance in understanding one’s wellbeing.  For many people, the process of even completing the survey proves to be powerful, stimulating reflection and deep thought even before the coaching session.

Once the client has completed their GLWS, the Coach receives an email with a secure link to download their client’s report.  The Coach can then share this report with their client in the context of a debrief/coaching session.

Working through the GLWS Personal Wellbeing report together provides an extremely powerful, revelatory process, which fast-tracks the coaching conversation and helps to pinpoint the areas where focus is most needed.

Individual 1:1 debriefs are no longer mandated by EEK & SENSE. We’ve recognised the ROI for individual debriefs depends on the context, constraints and purpose of using the GLWS and believe our clients/accredited community are best placed to make this decision.

What other support in terms of material/resources/research are available?

Every purchase of a GLWS Assesment Starter Pack or  GLWS Survey Re-Order Bundle subscription includes a range of additional value-added inclusions and new wellbeing resources. An extensive suite of high-quality learning and development tools, frameworks, toolkits and articles targeted to specific wellbeing and leadership needs is also available.

Is the accreditation a one off or do I need to become “re accredited” every year?

Accreditation is a one-off requirement and does not expire.