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We appreciate your patience and efforts in providing us with a great foundation to produce something meaningful for you.
A member of the GLWS team will be in touch shortly to talk about next steps.
In the meantime, you can read through our latest wellbeing insights on the GLWS blog.
Special edition GLWS Insights Paper: CMHAA Workshop Insights
Last month the Corporate Mental Health Australia (CMHAA) Annual members gathering took place, where Kate Connors and I facilitated two workshops with over 50 Australian employers, examining the psychological health and functioning of leaders in the workplace today.
My Top 10 Takeaways from Adam Grant Live in Sydney
So here I am posing for a pic with Adam Grant but if the body language is anything to go by, I don’t think I should be bragging. I thought about drawing a little speech bubble from Adam that says “Help, I’m trapped!”
How do we move the needle on mental health outcomes?
Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending the Sydney Ideas forum (University of Sydney) Shaping the Mental Health Agenda event in person. It was an inspiring event.